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Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Cara mereset printer Canon MP 278 Error P08 / 5200

Indikasi Awal :
Ketika MP278 ini dinyalakan, printer kelihatan normal dengan LED nyala HIJAU. Tapi setelah diperintah untuk print, maka error P08/5200 akan muncul, dan LED akan ngeblink bergantian hijau 1x orange 8x ...

ikuti tip-tip dibawah ini :

  1. Hidupkan printer, dan printer akan terlihat normal.
  2. Jalankan printer buat mencetak dokumen atau print test, maka error P08 /5200 akan muncul.
  3. Langsung cabut kabel listriknya tanpa menekan tombol on-off
  4. Buka dan geser catridgenya ke tengah secara manual (tekan kait penguncinya warna putih di belakang head, agar catridge bisa ditarik ke tengah)
  5. Cabut semua cartridge dan biarkan tutupnya tetap terbuka
  6. Hidupkan printer, head akan bergerak menabrak kiri kanan karena tutupnya masih terbuka lalu akan berhenti di tengah.
  7. Pasang kembali cartridge, dan tutup yang benar
  8. Printer anda akan kembali normal.
Atau cara lain untuk mereset canon MP278 error P08/5200

Berikut Cara Reset Canon MP278 Error 5200 :
1. Printer dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang.
2. Tekan tombol RESUME 2 detik
kemudian tekan tombol POWER sampai lampu hijau nyala (saat menekan tombol POWER, ...tombol RESUME jgn dilepas dulu)
3. Kemudian lepas tombol RESUME, tapi jangan lepas tombol POWER.
4. Sambil tombol POWER masih tertekan, tekan tombol RESUME 5 kali. Led akan menyala bergantian orange hijau dengan nyala terakhir orange. (jangan sampai keliru 4x karena printer akan mati total, tapi sifatnya sementara juga) Kemudian ...
5. Lepaskan kedua tombol bersamaan.
6. Led akan blink sebentar kemudian akan nyala HIJAU.

7. Dan Komputer akan mendeteksi hardware baru, abaikan saja...
8. Tekan tombol POWER, maka printer akan mati.
9. Tekan lagi tombol POWER maka printer akan nyala dan ... PRINTER MP278 sudah siap digunakan.
Download Software resetter MP dibawah ini --> http://www.ziddu.com/download/15362660/ServiceToolMP278ICLO80.COM.zip.htm

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Smadav 8.7 telah disediakan pada bulan Oktober 2011, Smadav 8.7.2 ini hadir dengan penambahan 100 database virus baru, sehingga total virus yang dapat dikenali pada Smadav kali ini adalah 5.037. Bagi Anda pengguna Smadav versi sebelumnya sangat dianjurkan untuk melakukan upgrade engine antivirus Anda.
Apa yang baru?
  • Penambahan database 100 virus baru
  • Teknik pendeteksian baru (FFD): pencegahan total untuk virus dari USB Flashdisk, Fitur bahasa inggris sudah bisa digunakan di Smadav Free, Perubahan struktur settings, dsb.

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

How To Fix The Print Lean On Canon

We want to print a document, the paper was always skewed, and not interested in all. Or even do not want to withdraw the paper, only rollernya muter2 aja ..
This problem is most likely due to foreign objects get into the paper tray or maybe even get into the engine (ga tau real name part, just inside the printer is ...). Trus gimana dong .. OK, straight to the scene ...
For a paper that has always pulled him sideways, or want to come in part, then hours ...
  1. Unloading your printer
  2. Check at the bottom of the puller roller paper (from end to end it).
  3. Are there any foreign objects (dirt, paper clips, coins, pencils, dead insects, or anything else)
  4. If a hard look at or check, all the springs off the retaining roller (What's really name?)
  5. Usually the foreign object is pinched, clean / dispose of objects that are stuck.
  6. Replace the spring and the other, the printer is installed before the test covers.

For printers that do not want to pull the paper at all:

  1. Unloading your printer.
  2. In the mechanical printer (usually a set, which is located under the roller and the paper tray) there is one couple in which there is a spring wheel.
  3. Usually the wheel is separated from its seat (held by a needle-like long irons).
  4. If the wheel is cuman off, you simply put back.
  5. But when the spring (inside) wheel is damaged, usually susuananya messy, it's not round at all.
  6. You can cut pegasnya maximum of 50% of the existing spring.
  7. This spring functioning to regulate the direction of rotation only. If pegasnya too little, then the rotation will occur in both directions, up to two-way if it can not be used.
  8. If it still can be cut safely deh ...
  9. Ga can be cut if forced to find another printer kanibalan form
The steps above can be used on the printer type MP 140, MP 150, MP160, IP 1200, IP1300, IP 1700, IP 1880, and IP 1980

How to Service Error 5100 on Canon printer

Service Error 5100 is often experienced when the new printer is turned on, or when the printer is preparing to print. This is because the cartridge carriage can not move, or movement is obstructed by "something".
This method is used for all types of printers Canon IP1200, IP1300, IP1500, IP1600, IP1700, iP1800, IP1900, MP140, MP150, MP160, MP180
Try to open the hood of your printer. then try to turn it on. Usually when the carriage catrigde are in the right position (cartridge carriage parking lot), this error will appear. Turn off your printer and slide the carriage to the middle or the left. Notice at the end of the right, there is a component assy (ga know what it's called) just where the printer is ink nyedot or head cleaning. In the IP series is usually white, and black on the MP series.
Pay attention to the four aces this place is connected to the printer body, as this usually dry or grease / lubricant discharged. If you have any grease / lubricant, give this as a lubricant in the fourth. Do not use oil lubricants yes, try to use grease. Or if not averaged only remaining grease as such.
But sometimes this does not work, especially if as has been worn, consumed by the printer body. If you have this I usually play a cannibal, alias replacing the part of other printers (which already ga used) to fix it.
In addition to wear and dry lubricants, usually by her loose. and also sometimes there is a foreign object fun in and prop. Clean up this foreign body. Sometimes the use of cleaning or deep cleaning that is too often also can accelerate this damage. this is because the ink will be spilled and soaked as such. So try cleaning the ink with a tissue.
Good luck .......!!!!!

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

How to Resetter Canon MP258 error 5B00 or P07

this post discusses the way resetter Canon MP258 error 5B00 or P07/ Since many who seek MP258 resetter software error 5B00 or P07, then let's go straight to the scene......

Early indications:
When the MP258 printer is turned on will show an error in the LCD panels P07 and the monitor screen will pop up an error 5B00.

Resetter Canon MP258 way or P07 error 5B00:
1. MP258 Printer Error 5B00 or P07 are turned off and plugged the power cord.
2. Press the STOP / RESET and hold, then press and hold the POWER button.
3. POWER button still pressed, release the buttonSTOP / RESET, then press the STOP / RESET 2 times in a state the power button is pressed.
4. Release both buttons simultaneously.
5. MP258 Printer Error 5B00 or P07 which will proceed in a while (a while), then the LCD panel will show the number zero (0)
6. The computer will detect NEW DEVICE, Ignore it .....
7. This situation shows MP258 printer in ready state and reset the SERVICE MODE.

How to Run Resetternya:
1. File Exctract MP258 Resetter for error 5B00 or P07
2. Prepare a second paper in the printer (to print at this time of the reset process)
3. Run the program for error 5B00 MP258 Resetter or P07
4. Click "PLAY", then the printer will proceed and MP258 will print one page with the words "D = 000.0"
5. Click the "Clear EEPROM".
6. Then click the "EEPROM", and the printer will print the results MP258 Resetter. Writing one line as follows:
"TPage (COPY TTL = 00 000 = 00 000)"
7. Turn off the printer by pressing the POWER button.
8. And MP258 Printer Error 5B00 or P07 which is ready to use again. Done ...

Canon MP258 printer error codes and how to cope

Canon MP258 Error Codes and How to Overcome It

MP258 Error code there are 2 types of codes, namely:
1. who use the first letter P, for example P07
2. who use the first letter E, eg E05

Canon MP258 Error code C:
P02 (Carriage error)
1. Make sure no foreign object stuck in the roll printer reply.
2. Clean and check the encoder, may be subject to splashes of ink.

P03 (Line feed error)
Cause: Timing Disk dirty / damaged.
1. Check the timing disc sensor to the left of the printer
2. Check and clean boardnya.

P05 (ASF sensor error)
Cause: The paper detection sensor Canon MP258 Error.
Try changing one of the following parts:
ASF / PE sensor unit.
MP258 Canon printer board.

P06 (Internal temperature error):
Cause: The hyperbolic heat inside the Canon MP258 printer.
1. Clean the inside of the MP258 printer.
2. replace Board MP258 Printer

P07 (Ink absorber full):
Cause: Ink Counter Full / Full, Canon MP258 Printer'm on reset using software.
Solution: Reset Canon MP258 Printer using the software

P08 (Print head temperature rise error):
Cause: Head too hot, exceeding the threshold, usually Cartridge color
Try changing the color catrid Canon MP258 printer.

P09 (EEPROM error)
Cause: Canon MP258 experienced board EEPROM Corrupt or damaged.
1. Board replace Canon MP258.

Q15 (Vbus USB over current)
Cause: The printer cable USB overcurrent of Canon MP258 Printer.
1. Try to Change Printer Canon MP258 USB cable.
2. If still defective, replace the Canon MP258 Printer Board.

P20 (Other hardware error)
Cause: damage to other hardware
Board replace Canon MP258.

P22 (Scanner error)
Cause: The scanner does not work
1. Replace Canon MP258 printer scanner.
2. Board Replace Canon MP258 printer.

Canon MP258 Error code E:

E04: Canon MP258 Cartridge is not installed properly.
Solution: Take the cartridge, plug it again trus

E05: Canon MP258 Cartridge is not installed properly or one catrid some damaged
1. Take the cartridge, plug it again trus
2. Replace the cartridge if some damaged

E14 and E15: Canon MP258 Cartridge is not installed properly.
Solution: Take the cartridge, plug it again trus

E13 and E16: Ink has run out / ask for the reset catridge.
Press the STOP / Reset for 5 - 15 seconds wait until the LED display proceeds.

May be useful
Adhe edogawa.

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